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Delavnica: CFD on HPC – OpenFOAM primer

Kratek opis: Tridnevna delavnica je namenjena raziskovalcem, inženirjem, študentom in drugim, ki jih zanima tematika CFD z uporabo odprtega programskega CFD okolja OpenFOAM (OF). Predstavljena bo osnovna in napredna uporaba, …

Delavnica: CFD on HPC – OpenFOAM primer

The three-day workshop is aimed at researchers, engineers, students and others interested in CFD and OpenFOAM (OF). Basic and advanced applications of the open source fluid simulation system OpenFOAM will …

Delavnica: CFD on HPC – OpenFOAM primer

The three-day workshop is aimed at researchers, engineers, students and others interested in CFD and OpenFOAM (OF). Basic and advanced applications of the open source fluid simulation system OpenFOAM will …

Course: CFD on HPC: OpenFOAM

ENG: The three-day workshop is aimed at researchers, engineers, students and others interested in CFD and OpenFOAM. Basic and advanced applications of the open source fluid simulation system OpenFOAM will …
