Slovensko nacionalno superračunalniško omrežje


NCC SLING spletni seminar: Revolutionising Agriculture with HPC and AI: Real-World Applications

Pridružite se nam na spletnem seminarju “Revolutionising Agriculture with HPC and AI: Real-World Applications“, ki bo potekal v torek, 24. septembra 2024, s pričetkom ob 14:00 v organizaciji Nacionalni kompetenčni …

Dan odprtih vrat slovenskih superračunalniških centrov

V oktobru bomo ponovno odprli vrata najzmogljivejših slovenskih superračunalnikov, vključno z EuroHPC Vega na Institutu informacijskih znanosti v Mariboru, ki se uvršča med najzmogljivejše superračunalnike na svetu. Pridružite se nam …

The MICROCARD project: Advancing Cardiac Electrophysiology with Exascale Simulation

The MICROCARD project sought to develop an advanced exascale platform for simulating cardiac electrophysiology, enhancing our understanding of arrhythmias in complex biological tissues through high-resolution and cell-by-cell simulations.

Enhancing Workflow Integration and Sustainability in HPC: Interview with the eFlows4HPC project

The eFlows4HPC project aimed to seamlessly integrate HPC simulation with big data and machine learning, enhancing workflow efficiency and sustainability in scientific and industrial applications.

Optimising Resource Utilisation in Exascale Supercomputing: Interview with the REGALE project

The REGALE project focused on defining an open architecture to optimise resource utilisation in exascale supercomputing systems, aiming for improved performance and energy efficiency in next-generation HPC.

Interview: the ACROSS Project Pioneers HPC, Big Data, and AI Integration for Enhanced Applications

The ACROSS project has successfully developed a cutting-edge platform merging High-Performance Computing (HPC), Big Data, and AI. This ambitious project targeted advancements in aeronautics, climate research and energy sectors.

Programi financiranja in javni razpisi za industrijo

S pomočjo programov financiranja in aktivnosti na področju raziskav in razvoja (R&D) lahko industrija dvigne nivo inovativnosti in konkurenčnosti. Trenutne možnosti financiranja za industrijo: Javni posvet Evropske komisije (EC): Javno …

DEEP-SEA: The EuroHPC JU project providing Software for Exascale Supercomputers

The EuroHPC JU-funded project DEEP-SEA has successfully delivered a programming environment needed for future European exascale systems, adapting all levels of the software stack to this revolutionary computing capacity. 

Predicting extreme weather events with HPC and AI: the MAELSTROM project

The project improved weather and climate predictions by combining HPC and machine learning. This approach resulted in new forecasting solutions that enhance accuracy and reliability when applied to the complex …


Workshop: Scaling CUDA C++ Applications to Multiple Nodes

Description: Present-day high-performance computing (HPC) and deep learning applications benefit from, and even require, cluster-scale GPU compute power. Writing CUDA® applications that can correctly and efficiently utilize GPUs across a …

Webinar: Revolutionising Agriculture with HPC and AI: Real-World Applications

Overview: Join us for the webinar “Revolutionising Agriculture with HPC and AI: Real-World Applications”, organised by NCC SLING, on Tuesday, September 24th, 2024, starting at 14:00 CET. The event is …

Workshop: Future Fusion Reactor Digital Twins

Description: Plasma-PEPSC and Excellerat P2 centers of excellence invite you to a detailed two-day training about simulations in the field of nuclear fusion reactors, digital twins and high performance computing. …

Delavnica: Uporabljajmo superračunalnike!

Opis: Delavnica je namenjena raziskovalcem, inženirjem, študentom in drugim, ki ste spoznali, da potrebujete več računskih virov, kot vam jih ponujajo običajni računalniki. Delavnica bo potekala v okviru konference IEEE …

Dnevi odprtih vrat slovenskih superračunalniških centrov ali Dnevi “exascale” računalništva

V oktobru bomo ponovno odprli vrata najzmogljivejših slovenskih superračunalnikov – tudi EuroHPC Vega na Institutu informacijskih znanosti v Mariboru, ki ga uvrščamo med najzmogljivejše superračunalnike na svetu. Spoznali boste, kako …

Workshop: Generative AI with Diffusion Models

Description: At the workshop, we will present one of the most advanced areas of artificial intelligence – generative artificial intelligence. We will get to know all the components of generative …


Prijavite se na e-novice iz sveta superračunalništva
