Slovenian National Supercomputing Network


The GCS Exascale Pioneer Call is open

The “JUPITER Research and Early Access Program” (JUREAP) provides the framework for testing and preparation of hardware and applications for Europe’s first exascale supercomputer, JUPITER. The “GCS Exascale Pioneer Call” …

“European Big Data Value Forum” in Budapest with NCC SLING representatives

The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) is Big Data Value Association’s flagship event, bringing together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers from all over Europe and other regions …

Webinar “Revolutionising Agriculture with HPC and AI: Real-World Applications” inspires innovation in agriculture

On Tuesday, 24 September 2024, the National Competence Centre SLING partners hosted a webinar titled “Revolutionising Agriculture with HPC and AI: Real-World Applications.” The event targeted companies, engineers, technology experts, …

NCC SLING promotes innovation and technology

On Thursday, 19 September 2024, the Ljubljana Technology Park hosted an exciting event for tech enthusiasts, the “Arena of Technologies.” Attendees were introduced to cutting-edge innovations from Slovenian companies, including …

Podcast: Supercomputing in Europe

Listen to guests from all over Europe sharing their experiences and offering interesting insights into the role of supercomputers in a wide range of fields such as life science, machine …

EuroCC2 Booklet24

EuroCC 2 Success Stories 2024

As a contribution to the “EuroHPC National Competence Centres Phase 2” (EuroCC 2) project, a new collection of success stories from European National Competence Centres has been published. You are …

NCC SLING webinar: Revolutionising Agriculture with HPC and AI: Real-World Applications

Join us for the webinar “Revolutionising Agriculture with HPC and AI: Real-World Applications“ on Tuesday, September 24th, 2024, starting at 14:00 CET organised by National Competence Centre SLING. The event …

Funding Programmes and Open Calls for Industry

Through funding programmes and RD activities, the industry can significantly shift its innovation and competitiveness. Current funding opportunities for industry: News from the European CommissionPublic consultation – interim evaluation of …

EU Funding Clinic – Opportunities for SMEs in HPC

Join the online event “Opportunities for SMEs in HPC” on 30 July from 10:00 to 12:00. You will learn about funding opportunities in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) …


Dnevi odprtih vrat slovenskih superračunalniških centrov ali Dnevi “exascale” računalništva

V oktobru bomo ponovno odprli vrata najzmogljivejših slovenskih superračunalnikov – tudi EuroHPC Vega na Institutu informacijskih znanosti v Mariboru, ki ga uvrščamo med najzmogljivejše superračunalnike na svetu. Spoznali boste, kako …

Workshop: Generative AI with Diffusion Models

Description: At the workshop, we will present one of the most advanced areas of artificial intelligence – generative artificial intelligence. We will get to know all the components of generative …

Delavnica: Uporaba superračunalnika

Opis: Delavnica študente seznani z obsežnimi računalniškimi viri omrežja SLING, ki so ključni za napredne inženirske naloge. Udeleženci bodo pridobili dostop do superračunalniške gruče, se naučili osnovnih principov ter se …

Workshop: Advanced and non-textual tasks with ChatGPT

Description: In this workshop, attendees will learn how to expand the use of ChatGPT’s textual interface to solve advanced tasks that are not usually associated with large language models. ChatGPT …

Workshop: Python binding for C/C++

Description: Scientific and math software is written in C/C++ which often requires longer development time when combining a larger set of such libraries. To better utilize such libraries it is …

Workshop: Introduction to High-Throughput-Computing: SnakeMake

Excerpt: We will learn the basics of SnakeMake, how to translate a basic workflow, which is partly trivially parallelizable and in parts not, into SnakeMake, and how to utilize HPC …


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