Slovensko nacionalno superračunalniško omrežje


Seminar: My life with the TACC scheduler

Description: In high-performance computing (HPC), efficient job scheduling is crucial for maximizing resource utilization and minimizing wait times. The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) has developed a sophisticated scheduler designed …


The online PWTK-2024 tutorial aims to teach participants how to use the PWTK scripting environment to effectively automate their Quantum ESPRESSO calculations by employing built-in workflows or creating their own. …

Delavnica: Visoko zmogljivi Python

Opis: Raziskovalci se pogosto soočajo z zahtevnimi računskimi izzivi, kot so analiza obsežnih podatkov, fizikalne simulacije, računska kemija, biologija, napovedovanje vremena, simulacije dinamike tekočin in podobno. Za reševanje teh izzivov …

Delavnica: CFD on HPC – OpenFOAM primer

The three-day workshop is aimed at researchers, engineers, students and others interested in CFD and OpenFOAM (OF). Basic and advanced applications of the open source fluid simulation system OpenFOAM will …
