Slovenian National Supercomputing Network
Machine Learning Modalities for Materials Science

3D render of a techno background with male head and programming code

International School “Machine Learning Modalities for Materials Science” – registration for online participation

The International School “Machine Learning Modalities for Materials Science” will be held hybrid, at the “Jože Stefan” Institute and online, from 13. 5. until 17. 5. 2024.

The programme will include introductory lectures, hands-on tutorials, Invited talks, contributed and industry talks . The full programme is available on:

Young researchers will have the opportunity to grow solid foundations and a complete overview of the cutting-edge approaches that enable the community to tackle outstanding challenges across diverse domains in materials design and discovery. To this end renowned experts will discuss state-of-the-art machine learning methods and applications across the full breadth of the materials design-make-test-analyze cycle, under a pedagogical tenet.
Attendees will have the chance to discuss and identify routes on how to best combine information of different nature such as data from simulations and from experiments, images and text or scalar variables, 2D images or 1D spectra to materials properties, towards a unified vision (and solution) of the material design and discovery problem.

More inforamtion and registration:
