Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

Regural research projects (RRPs)

Regular research projects are intended as production uses of supercomputing capacities or data storage allocations when the requirements are not very large.

RRP projects are granted access for a maximum of 12 months from the date of resource allocation, renewable on the basis of a report and an assessment of the progress of the project, with a maximum total duration of two years from the date of the grant of access. Computing resources will be allocated in accordance with the SLING Task Allocation Standards; a specific set of resource usage rules may apply to certain systems.

RRP projects can be submitted at any time to a permanently open call, and project applications are not subject to scientific peer review, but are evaluated by the members of the expert group on technical level and relevance. Once approved by the expert group, the administrators can grant access.

RRP projects are allocated for one year, renewable on the basis of an evaluation of the performance of the project work.

SLING provides high-level technical support to each RRP project, organised by the Support Team. In special cases, the applicant may request expert support at the time of application to solve specific problems or to ensure the optimisation required by the project. Such support must be requested and justified by the applicant in the project application.

An applicant can only act as project leader in one approved RRP project at the same time.

You can apply for a project using the application form, which is linked to each call for proposals.

Project applications will be evaluated on technical level and relevance and must therefore include the following elements, which must be attached as files to the application form:

Declaration on the use of resources

Multiannual project leaders are required to submit a progress report after one year in order for the project to be extended, on the basis of which the extension can be approved. The project will be suspended if the report is not submitted on time.

Project leaders are required to submit a progress report every six months after the resources are allocated.

Leaders of regular research projects (PRPs) that anticipate a duration of more than a year must submit a progress report to the commission, together with justification of resource needs, at least one month before the end of the first year from the allocation of resources.

Progress reports and extension requests must include:

  • list of project collaborators,
  • the amount of scientific research hours of dedicated scientific work carried out by researchers on the project,
  • any references and publications (published or under review),
  • and information on the achievement of the objectives and project milestones in relation to the original project application (a blank template is available on the button).

At the end of the project, the project leader must submit a final report (template on the button below).


When renewing a project or applying for an extension, the project may request a maximum of 20% more resources than were approved in the original resource allocation.

Requests for project extensions, as well as all reports, can be submitted to
