Slovenian National Supercomputing Network
Bled eConference

NCC SLING partners contribute to 37th Bled eConference

Bled will host the 37th BLED eCONFERENCE from 9 to 12 June, attracting speakers and delegates from business, government, information technology providers and universities, and is the most important venue for researchers working in all aspects of digital transformation. It is organised by our NCC SLING partner Univerza v Mariboru and offers a rich programme of international experts and speakers. The conference is organised by University of Maribor, NCC SLING partner, and offers a rich programme of international experts and speakers.

Tomi Ilijaš, CEO of Arctur, will be a keynote speaker, presenting revolutionary AI use cases in healthcare in the presentation “AI-Driven Innovation for Better Living” , and a panelist at the plenary panel: “Data Spaces”, together with Domen Mengus from the University of Maribor.

From the University of Maribor, Tomaž Kern and Staša Blatnik will be moderators of the “Breakout Sessions – Student Presentations”, Gregor Lenart will be a panelist: “Digital Education”, Alenka Baggia will be a panelist at the “Empowering Paths: The Importance of Building a Support Network for Women and Girls in IT”, while Nejc Čelik and Andrej Škraba will present “Preparing for Disease X: Predicting ICU Admissions Using Time Series Forecasting with Decoder-Only Transformer Neural Networks”.

See the full programme and join the event:
