Slovenian National Supercomputing Network
Predstavitev prof. Polha

NCC SLING at symposium SOR ’23

The 17th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia – SOR ’23, organised by the Slovenian Informatics Society, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, and the Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Maribor, was held in Bled, Slovenia, between 20 and 22 September 2023

The aim of the symposium is to popularize operational research for solving complex problems in mathematics, statistics, economics, engineering, education and computing in mathematics, statistics, economics, engineering, education and computing, etc. and to encourage further research.

During the conference, Prof. Dr. Janez Povh from the LECAD laboratory of the University of Ljubljana gave a lecture entitled “European Competence Centre for High Performance Computing“.

With the e lecture and promotional materials we presented the National Competence Centre and the Slovenian National Supercomputing Network SLING, reaching a group of 100 international experts, potential users of HPC.
