Slovenian National Supercomputing Network
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Max school “Materials and Molecular Modelling with QUANTUM ESPRESSO”

As part of the training courses held in collaboration with the Centres of Excellence (CoE) and the National Competence Centres for HPC (NCC), the Max school webinar “Materials and Molecular Modelling with QUANTUM ESPRESSO” will take place from 19 to 21 June.

The seminar “Materials and Molecular Modelling with QUANTUM ESPRESSO” encompasses a comprehensive curriculum designed to cover the primary features of the QUANTUM ESPRESSO code and focuses on practical skills. The course strikes a balance between theory and application, and provide the skills needed to use the code effectively in your research and academic work. It is aimed at beginners and intermediate users who want to strengthen their basic skills in using QUANTUM ESPRESSO.

The course is specially designed for participants with a background in condensed matter physics or chemistry. It will focus on the main features of the code and basic user skills such as such as compilation, simple scripting, choice of parallel options, and similar.

It will be held in English.

The course is organised by the MaX CoE, NCC Austria, NCC Czechia, NCC Hungary, NCC Poland, NCC Slovakia, and NCC Slovenia.

For more information and to register:
