Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

ESSAI & ACAI Summer School 2023 – a few places still available for online participation

The TAILOR Summer School (ESSAI & ACAI 2023) will take place from 24. o 28 July 2023 at the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics, University of Ljubljana. Registration for online participation is now open – there are still a few places available.

Registration for online participation at ESSAI & ACAI 2023 (the First European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence & the 20th Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence) is now open! As all places for in-person participation are sold out, you are invited to participate online, following the live streams. The streamed lectures will also be recorded and the recordings will be made available for registered participants to view (after the school), allowing to explore much more of the school content than possible in-person.

ESSAI 2023 offers 24 one-week courses in different areas of artificial intelligence, offering a wide perspective and bridging across subdisciplines. The courses, organized in six parallel tracks, are at foundational, introductory, and advanced levels. Besides ESSAI 2023, the third TAILOR Summer School includes EurAI’s Advanced Course on AI (ACAI 2023), consisting of 12 invited tutorials on the topic of AI for Science as an additional (seventh) advanced track of ESSAI. The courses and tutorials, presented by top AI researchers from all over the world, are complemented with keynote talks, panel discussions, and social events.

A broad set of diverse topics is covered by the school, ranging from knowledge representation and reasoning with ontologies, through fairness and privacy in AI, to machine learning of large language models and their use in science. In addition, the ACAI track on AI for Science covers topics like Bayesian reasoning for symbolic regression/equation discovery, formalisation of scientific knowledge and automation of scientific research, quantum machine learning (ML), and applications of AI/ML to life sciences and material sciences. The courses will be delivered by an outsanding team of lectures from leading research instututions around the world, such as Stanford, Yale, KU Leuven, Leiden University, Google Deepmind and Microsoft Research.

Registration for online participation is now available at
