Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

ASHPC23 – an international gathering that unites and inspires the world of supercomputing!

From June 13th to 15th, 2023, the Austrian-Slovenian HPC Conference (ASHPC23) took place at the Institute of Information Science in Maribor. Austrian-Slovenian HPC Conference (ASHPC23).

The purpose of the annual ASHPC meeting is to foster international collaboration among scientists and technicians with a background and interest in supercomputing. This year, on the pre-conference day of June 12th, a live and online meeting was held with representatives from national competence centers across Central Europe, involved in the EuroCC 2 project. Leaders and members of the EuroCC 2 project from Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Poland, and other countries responded to the invitation. Together, they delved into three main topics: industry collaboration, education implementation, and communication and promotion.

The central part of the conference, which took place exclusively in person, began on June 13th with presentations on quantum computing, followed by showcases of best practices, European and national HPC infrastructure, and services. The second day focused on themes such as HPC for industry – services, support, and success stories, HPC in natural sciences and open science. The day started with Tomi Ilijaš (ArcturNCC SLING) as keynote speaker, who presented how to reach and support industry, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, on the path to Industry 4.0 and presented the powerful HPC4SME tool, which is successfully used in NCC SLING and some other NCCs. Draško Tomić (IRB NCC Croatia) and Matej Borovinšek (University of MariborNCC SLING) presented to the audience the success stories of the implementation of supercomputing in industry, created under the auspices of the FF4EuroHPC project. The final day commenced with a presentation on the European Processor Initiative (EPI), initiating in-depth discussions on Message Passing Interface (MPI) and other current topics.European Processor Initiative (EPI)initiating in-depth discussions on Message Passing Interface (MPI) and other current topics.

Conference attendees also had the opportunity to explore an international exhibition featuring sixteen posters showcasing topics related to HPC and competency centers.

ASHPC23 once again affirmed its reputation as an exceptional international event, offering an opportunity to present the latest achievements and exchange ideas among scientists, providers of HPC resources, and representatives of national competency centers. The upcoming year holds a new HPC adventure as the conference will take place in the idyllic Austrian location of Grundlsee (Seeblickhotel) from June 10th to 13th, 2024.

Join us at ASHPC24 – experience the inspiring world of supercomputing!

Presentation abstracts will be published shortly.

ASHPC23 conference was organized by EuroCC Slovenia and EuroCC Austria in collaboration with the Institute of Information Science, Slovenia (IZUM), Slovenian consortium for high-performance computing (SLING), Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) and Research Area Scientific Computing in Innsbruck, Austria.
