Slovenian National Supercomputing Network


Fortissimo Plus (FFplus) will increase use of HPC and AI in SMEs

The objective of this project, FFplus, is to provide SMEs the resources and support they need to test new applications of HPC and artificial intelligence (AI).

Arnesov HackathON

Winners of Arnes Hackathon announced: 40 students in 10 teams solved challenges

On 13 and 14 May, the second 24-hour round of the first national Arnes HackathON took place in Portorož as part of the Slovenian Informatics Days conference. Under the slogan …

ESPResSo Summer School “Simulating soft matter across scales” in October in Stuttgart

All interested are invited to the ESPResSo Summer School “Simulating soft matter across scales”, which will take place from 7 to 11 October 2024 at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. …

Banner Quantum Espresso

Max school “Materials and Molecular Modelling with QUANTUM ESPRESSO”

As part of the training courses held in collaboration with the Centres of Excellence (CoE) and the National Competence Centres for HPC (NCC), the Max school webinar “Materials and Molecular …

NCC in COE izobraževanja

National Competence Centres & Centres of Excellence: Training Sprint

We are launching a series of training events in collaboration with Centres of Excellence (CoE) and National Centres of Competence (NCC). The first event, dedicated to machine learning for space …

delavnica CUDA CC

NCC SLING partners held a workshop “Accelerating CUDA C++ applications with multiple GPUs”

In April the University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (UM FERI), as part of the EuroCC 2 project and in cooperation with NVIDIA and IEEE, …

Konferenca DSI2024

Conference DSI 2024: Building the Future World with Artificial Intelligence

The Informatika Society, which has been uniting IT enthusiasts for 30 years, invites you to the 31st Slovenian Informatics Days conference. The event will take place on 14 and 15 …


On 14 June 2024 at 11 AM a special ETP4HPC webinar will introduce JUPITER, the first European exascale supercomputer, installed at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre of Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) in …

ISC High Performance 2024 will take place from 12 to 16 May in Hamburg

From 12 to 16 May 2024, Hamburg will host the ISC High Performance, a major international event for high-performance computing, machine learning, data analysis and quantum computing. ISC 2024 will …


Computer Architecture for Machine Learning

Opis: Deep learning and large language models have become one of the most promising research areas in artificial intelligence. However, the computational requirements for implementing these methods are also growing …

Delavnica: Visoko zmogljivi Python

Opis: Raziskovalci se pogosto soočajo z zahtevnimi računskimi izzivi, kot so analiza obsežnih podatkov, fizikalne simulacije, računska kemija, biologija, napovedovanje vremena, simulacije dinamike tekočin in podobno. Za reševanje teh izzivov …

Workshop: Python binding for C/C++

Description: Scientific and math software is written in C/C++ which often requires longer development time when combining a larger set of such libraries. To better utilize such libraries it is …

Course: MaX school: materials and molecular modelling with QUANTUM ESPRESSO

The course is organised by the MaX CoE, NCC Austria, NCC Czechia, NCC Hungary, NCC Poland, NCC Slovakia and NCC Slovenia Description: The course encompasses a comprehensive curriculum designed to …

Delavnica: Osnove superračunalništva

Opis: Na delavnici se bomo seznanili z zgradbo računskih gruč in programsko opremo na njih ter zagnali svoje prve naloge. Naučili se bodo razlikovati med prijavnimi vozlišči, računskimi vozlišči, ter …

Seminar: My life with the TACC scheduler

Description: In high-performance computing (HPC), efficient job scheduling is crucial for maximizing resource utilization and minimizing wait times. The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) has developed a sophisticated scheduler designed …


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