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Funding Programmes and Open Calls for Industry

Through funding programmes and RD activities, the industry can significantly shift its innovation and competitiveness.

Current funding opportunities for industry:

News from the European Commission
Public consultation – interim evaluation of the Digital Europe programme (DEP)
The European Commission has launched an open stakeholder consultation on the Digital Europe programme (DIGITAL). Closing date is 20/09/2024.

Calls from Horizon Europe and European Joint Undertakings (JU):

  • FFplus ( Offering 6 open calls for SMEs and Start-ups to solve business challenges through computational methods on HPC systems and the use of supercomputing resources for the development of (generative) Artificial Intelligence (AI) software solutions and services. The first Open Call deadline is 04/09/2024.
  • CORTEX2 ( Funds a minimum of one entity and a maximum of two entities representing technology developers, focusing on XR, AR, and AI. The inclusion of the second entity must be justified. Funding up to €200K, application deadline: 15/08/2024.
  • ( Supports contributions to ICT standardisation activities. Recruitment of experts in this field. Application deadline: 23/08/2024.
  • Nemo ( It aims to validate user acceptance and stimulate mass adoption and sustainability of NEMO. NEMO Open Call #2 invites EU-based SMEs to extend NEMO use cases by porting their new or existing applications and services to the NEMO meta-OS, in the verticals of the NEMO Living Labs. Application deadline: 31/08/2024.
  • XR2Industry ( Supports hardware enablers. It funds up to 7 XR component developers (ETIs or SMEs) aiming to integrate emerging technologies (such as 5G/6G, IoT, data, artificial intelligence, edge and cloud computing, and microelectronics) to enable XR experience opportunities. Application deadline: 17/09/2024.
  • QU-Pilot ( Supports all EU companies seeking experimental production facilities incorporating cutting-edge technologies in the fields of quantum computing, communication and detection. Application deadline: 30/09/2024.
  • QU-Test ( Supports all EU companies looking for test and experimental facilities incorporating cutting-edge technologies in the fields of quantum computing, communication and detection. Application deadline: 30/09/2024.
  • NGI Zero Core ( Aims to improve the architecture of the open internet with basic elements in which reliability, confidentiality, integrity, security and resource efficiency are the norm. Application deadline: 01/10/2024.
  • NGI Zero Commons ( Supports RD on digital technology commons that improve openness, reliability, resilience and user autonomy, and makes them available as free/libre/open source software and hardware. Application deadline: 01/10/2024.
  • NGI Taler ( Supports the development of technology commons that empower users and establish a new generation of privacy-friendly digital payment systems. Application deadline: 01/10/2024.
  • NGI Mobifree ( Supports solutions for an open mobile ecosystem. Application deadline: 01/10/2024.
  • NGI Fediversity ( Aims to make easy-to-use cloud-hosted services available to all, based on service portability and individual freedom. Application deadline: 01/10/2024.
  • COMMUNICITY ( Supports companies and technology providers, organisations, cities and their residents to develop innovative technical solutions to digital, urban and social challenges. A call for projects will open on 10/09/2024 and run until 31/10/2024.

Calls from Digital Europe Programe:

  • DS4SSCC-DE ( The focus is on pilot projects for local public administrations and the entities that work with them (businesses, universities, NGOs) in the green economy and New European Bauhaus sectors. Funding of up to €1.5 million. Deadline: 31/08/2024.