Slovenian National Supercomputing Network
Open data usage survey

Participate in the SUPOP Survey – Open Data Usage Survey for the Slovenian business community

How well-versed are you in Open Data? How much do you use it? What is the potential of open data?
Open data is freely available data (published on the web using open standards), mostly from the public sector. Open data can be used or shared by anyone without restrictions, for both non-commercial and commercial purposes.

In Slovenia open data is published on the Open Data Hub Slovenia, consisting of about 6000 databases, namely:
•Slovenian Business Register (source: AJPES)
•Residential housing price indices, Slovenia, yearly (source: SURS)
•Water protection areas (source: MNVP)
•Electricity prices (EUR/kWh) (Slovenia, by quarter) etc.

You are kindly invited to complete a short survey that will take no more than 5 minutes:

The results of the survey will help to develop incentives and support businesses to re-use open data!

Open data usage survey