Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

NCC SLING and NCC HPC Serbia started a new collaboration

Within the EUROCC 2 National Competence Centres (NCC) have been building new collaborations and exchanging experiences on various topics to tackle our challenges. The close collaborations within NCCs help to achieve the highest possible impact and the widest possible spread of knowledge not only for the NCC members but also for potential users who would like to adopt HPC technologies for their needs.

On June 27th, our partner Arctur hosted members from the Insitute of Physics Belgrade, NCC HPC Serbia at their headquarters in Nova Gorica and discuss future collaboration and activities. To start, HPC Serbia partners have joined the working group to develop a powerful tool for SMEs HPC4SME . By translating the content of this tool into Serbian, NCC HPC Serbia will help empower Serbian companies on their journey to Industry 4.0.

