We invite you to participate in the ASHPC25 – Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2025, which will take place at Rimske Terme, Slovenia, from May 19 to May 22, 2025.
We are pleased to announce that the abstract submission deadline has been extended from January 10, 2025 to January 24, 2025.

Continuing the tradition of the annual Austrian HPC Meetings (2015–2020) and the Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meetings (2021–2024), ASHPC25 will bring together users and providers of large-scale computing resources for both academic and non-academic research and development.
Keynote speakers will share insights into the latest developments in distributed machine-learning algorithms, algorithmic developments in computational molecular sciences, quantum computing, and the challenges posed by climate and weather simulations. Additionally, the meeting will provide a platform for exchanging experiences related to the operation of large-scale computing resources and the challenges encountered.
We are now accepting abstracts for contributed talks and posters at ASHPC25. We encourage you to submit an abstract highlighting your work and expertise related to High-Performance Computing (HPC). Topics may include applications of HPC, research conducted on HPC clusters, systems engineering (software, storage, networking, etc.), and any other HPC-related subjects. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed, and accepted submissions will be published.
You can download the abstract template here: https://ashpc.eu/event/25/attachments/88/219/ASHPC25_abstract_template.zip
Abstract submissions can be made at https://ashpc.eu/event/25/abstracts/ until ***January 24, 2025***.
Notifications regarding the acceptance of talks or posters will be sent out by ***February 10, 2025**.* We look forward to your valuable contributions!
*Registration for ASHPC25*, along with the co-located Central European NCCs Workgroup Meeting, is now *open *at https://ashpc.eu/event/25/registrations/3/ .
Please register by ** February 15, 2025**, to ensure room reservations at the hotel, as we cannot guarantee accommodations beyond this date.
We also offer *scholarships of €200 for students*. For more information, please refer to the Call for Abstracts and the registration form, or feel free to contact us.
For further updates and details, please visit: https://ashpc.eu/event/25/
We look forward to welcoming you to ASHPC25!